Day 9: S'mores, games and moose songs rule the day.

Today was a fun rainy day at camp. The first town newspaper was delivered!

As always we began our day with singing. It was raining so we made a raucous melody and rang our voices off the walls in the barn. It felt like we'd blow off the roof at the loud and crazy parts!

Our visiting Community College Professor taught us two new songs to add to our repertoire: A song about a juice-drinking Moose and the other, about a wee bit of wee-wee! ("Oui, oui!" said Jacques in approval!)

After singing we moved to our first Werk Bezerk period. Some homesteaders learned how to install hardwood flooring in their homes with our visiting Professor, while others continued construction of their houses in the workshop.

Laying hardwood floors in class. 

It is astonishingly simple to install hardwood floors. Homesteaders had a quick lesson and quickly began cutting and sealing. Much bragging could be overheard from those in the class about how the new floors will improve the value of the home upon appraisal day.

It's amazing to see what some carefully laid and sealed coffee-stirrers could do to brighten up the interior of a miniature home!

A completed floor, with space left to accommodate framing posts. 
Both of our Work Bezerk blocks were held entirely inside due to the rain. No matter, however, since business was brisk at the trading post and at Peep run businesses. Flexa-rugs and furniture was produced, bank balances calculated, and games were played while action continued in the workshop. 

Brisk business at the trading post. 

Homesteaders trying to make their fortunes at the Sun Rise Casino. 
Many games were played today at Village--some at the Sun Rise Casino, run by Peep Darth Plagus. One homesteader invested a modest amount in a poker game and at first won big, but ultimately lost it all. Another homesteader invested a hefty amount, hoping to win big, but ultimately cashed out with just a few Rainbows left. He admitted afterwards that perhaps gambling wasn't a reliable way to increase the balance of the bank account.

After lunch the rain let up enough for us to have a game of Camouflage before s'mores and campfire performances.
So well toasted. 

Can I have s'more?
After the fire died down and the last s'mores were consumed, we moved into the barn for Campfire performances. We were entertained by skits and magic tricks, artists' drawing, singing and dancing skills, and by riddles and historical facts. Performances concluded to enthusiastic and cacophonous applause from the audience. There was a lot of fun and energy evident in performers and audience members alike!

Two homesteaders perform a skit. 

Sharing a song. 

A very popular element of today's campfire was riddles!

Commissioners sing a song. The crowd was awestruck!

On this day in history... can you guess it? 

Congratulating the winner of the "Slaps" contest!

Our last task of the day... Corvee!

Pluses from today: 
  • Got to work on my house
  • Rainbows and cookies
  • Giving all of my stuff away and becoming a monk!!
  • Working at the bank. 
  • Newspaper got printed!
  • Amazing birthday today!
  • Finished my hardwood floors and ready to put my house together (x2)
  • Campfire (x5)
  • Camoflage
  • Moose songs!
  • Riddles!
  • My house interior looks awesome!
Wishes from today: 
  • Whirled peas (x4)
  • Cookies and Rainbows! (x5)
  • I get paid for my work!
  • Become more fluent in the arts!
  • My violin gets fixed. 
  • I hope to sell the three rugs I have in stock!
  • My out-terior (sic) looks great too!
  • Robin will make it back from Herbert's house this weekend!
  • Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Wonderful job! Every society must go through infancy, puberty, adolescence, and so on. Our own USA seems to be just peeking out of adolescence! Hang in there! Wisdom will come!


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