Day 24: Last day!

Our most fun photo. Everyone's personality really shines here. 

Today was our last day together. We gathered for the last morning's singing. It was clear that everyone was feeling a lot of big feelings on the last day. On the one hand, we were celebrating a successful town, a fun Mini-Fair and all the times we shared this summer. For the same reasons, we were also sad to leave. We sang our favorites with a lot of emotion. Several homesteaders danced around the circle as we sang, arms waving emphatically as they acted out the action of each song.

A homesteader dives into clean-up. 
From singing we dove head-first into cleaning up camp. We took down our mini-acres and disappeared the perimeter markers of the town. Homesteaders removed fences and filled in pools. Homes were removed and set aside to take home. There was much discussion of importing buildings for next year, so that they could "move on to other stuff quicker, like government and businesses and stuff."

Sad to leave!

Cleaning up!
We worked in mostly focused groups to put the trading post and workshop to rights, then moved off  out of camp to play games while the commissioners set up for the auction.

C.I.T.I.T in action! She has it on lock-down.
Warsh them mitts before lunch!

After lunch we gathered for the auction, which featured a lot of items gathered with Homesteaders' interests in mind. There were Rubik's cubes and Magic cards, a protractor and compass set, books on how to draw animals and human figures, a lot of Unicorn-themed items, various types of slime, squirt-guns, some shiny purses and a few other sundry items.

Starting bid is 20 Rainbows...

The auction was fun and funny, and both Homesteaders and Commissioners had a lot of energy. As Homesteaders ran out their funds, many found that others with money left would share their remaining Rainbows. Everyone went home with something(s) that she or he had coveted at the auction table.

After the auction we had Campfire snacks and final ceremonies. We signed shirts, told jokes and toasted 'mallows out behind the barn, then moved inside to give awards, share a few campfire performances, share Props and give out Peep U caps, gowns and diplomas. Peeps who attended 6 or more community college classes received a "Peep U" degree.

The Tough Cookie award went to Josephina's person. 

"Honey, if you love me,"won't you please, please smile during Awards!

'Don't even get me started' on Campfire skits...

Peep U degree recipients! Congrats to the grads!

Finally with mixed emotions, a lot of hugs and only a few forgotten items, we said our goodbyes. It was a great summer together at Village 2017.

Serious faces?

Our real faces!

Much Village love to all!
See you next year!


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